Feb 022021
20 Frames from ROMA

Netflix published a YouTube video showcasing the wonderful cinematography by Alfonso Cuaron for his film ROMA. I grabbed some of the beautifully intricate frames below. Every still frame merits study, like a photograph. Click on any image to enter into a slideshow mode: +++ YouTube link: http://bit.ly/Roma-Cinematography-YouTube +++

Mar 032014
GRAVITY article online

___ You can read the in-depth cover story that I wrote about Gravity for the American Cinematographer online here. Emmanuel Lubezki’s work on this film is a paradigm of the expanded role of the cinematographer in films with high virtual content. We are entering an era that includes virtual cinematography in the DP’s job. The [...]

Aug 042013
Trailer for Cuaron's BELIEVE tv show

A trailer for Alfonso Cuaron‘s upcoming TV series, Believe, was shown at the Comic Con show. The series follows a young girl with magical skills, included telekinesis, who is protected by a group that includes an escaped convict. Cuaron produced, wrote and directed the pilot. The cinematography for the pilot is by our friend Eric [...]