Mar 192014
Nymphomaniac Vol 1 - Forget about Sex

To be honest, I had been avoiding seeing Nymphomaniac Volume I by Lars von Trier. It felt like homework I had to do. Don’t get me wrong, I love sexuality as a filmmaking subject, in part because it is so difficult to do well. I feel that the 2 most difficult cinema subjects are sex [...]

Nov 302013
Ed Lachman and Gaspar Noé

I had the pleasure of seeing these distinguished filmmakers at Ed’s chic opening at Marie-Dominique Toussaint’s Galerie Cinema in Paris. Ed is exhibiting frame blow-ups from his movies & collages. — Gaspar agreed that Lars von Trier’s upcoming Nymphomaniac seems like it will be more disturbing than sexy. Gaspar says that he will finally shoot [...]